Monday, 7 September 2009


No time for typing a clever message here...and if there are grammatical mistakes or something doesn't make sense, there are a couple of reasons: 1). My hands are shaking because I have a freaking fear of freaking eight-legged freaks (aka SPIDERS). 2). I just sprayed bug spray for about 5 minutes without stopping...and it was in an enclosed space. Thus, if I get sick in the next couple of days its poisioning. OH MY GOD! I freaking hate spiders. Look how big that one is. It would not die! Its still sitting in on my floor albeit it's dead. I'm still scared to death to get near it. And where the hell did it come from? Where the hell is the whole the size of a tennis ball in my apartment that would allow such creatures to make a home with me???? I need answers! Perhaps i'm being dramatic. If you think so, F you! Spiders freak me the hell out. And this one is hairy! Do you see??? Seriously. I cannot handle this. If this is the future of my time in China, my ass is moving back to Georgia. No...New York City. In my three years in the city never once did I see a spider even close to the size of this one. Someone please check on my tomorrow...or as soon as you read this. I might be dead...For now, i'm leaving my poison filled apartment in search of a few much needed 600ml beers.


  1. I hate spiders...but I checked on you, and you are still alive.

  2. I can't believe you had the presence of mind to take a photo of the spider! Impressive. I'm shuddering over it & I only glanced for a second and then scrolled so it was off the screen. I seriously would have frozen in fear. You're my hero for killing that beast!
